Top 8 Best Free Cycling And Biking Apps For Android of 2024


Hello everyone, welcome back to our new articles this time I thought we’d look at the Best Free Cycling And Biking Apps out there with some awesome unique twists. So here are my list of Top 8 Best Free Cycling And Biking Apps For Android of 2024 that bring down totally unique to the table. So regardless of yours age these Cycling And Biking Apps Apps will help you alot.

As we all know New Year is been here. As the new Year is coming everyone set a goal to become fit. That’s why this article is very helpful for you if you want to become more fit with the new year.

My name is Kibriya and I have been a blogger for the past 3 years, I have been an Android user for the past 8 years and during this time I have tried so many Cycling And Biking Apps. This is why, I am writing this blog to give you an honest review of the Top 8 Best Free Cycling And Biking Apps For Android of 2024 Every Cyclist Need To  Install Right Now. So without wasting time let’s start today’s article.

Strava: Run, Bike, Hike

strava app icon

The first app on the list is Strava. It supports over 30 workouts, including running, walking, riding, and swimming, while you can join challenges in the app to stay motivated. While cycling, you see time, average speed, and distance.

This location button can show and hide some other data and the map. When a trip ends, you are presented with the title, description, activity type, map, trip visibility, and more. You can see your daily and weekly progress in this “you” section.

Samsung Health

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The second app, which is similar to Google Fit, is Samsung Health. The app is pre-installed on Samsung devices, but it’s available to download on both stores. Regarding the features, you get more options than any other app mentioned in the video. For starters, it supports over 100 workouts to track, while you can also keep track of your sleep, food intake, water intake, weight, blood pressure, blood glucose, and oxygen saturation.

To track biking, we tap on the bike option and set a target. The app shows a speedometer with the map in the background and the total time and speed on the top. The pause, lock, and finish buttons are down below. When the exercise finishes, the app shows the speed and elevation data along with some other types of data.

Ride with GPS: Bike Navigationg

ride with gps app icon

The third app is called Ride with GPS. The freemium application enables cycling on your own Ride with GPS or with friends. It automatically starts tracking when you open it, and it pauses the workout when no movement is detected. On the tracking screen, you get to see the distance, speed, duration, elevation gain, and average speed.

When you finish the ride, you get to fill out the data. A unique option in the app is finding nearby tracks and locations. You can search for tracks and places to ride, and it also shows the tracks while viewing past activities.

Map My Ride GPS Cycling Riding

map my ride app icon

The next app by Under Armour is Map My Ride. It supports running, cycling, and hiking, while it can be connected with eligible Bluetooth-enabled devices such as shoes to track data automatically. The main interface shows a map, distance, and duration of the journey.

The calorie data is displayed when you finish the activity. The app supports adding photos, setting privacy, and adding notes when you end the trip. Furthermore, connecting the app with friends is possible, while a community tab is set up to share your stats with your friends and the world.

komoot – hike, bike & run

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Next up in our list Komoot app. This app does make it really easy to navigate, the amount of information that’s on the base maps is really helpful especially when it comes down to looking at the terrain. It’s going to let you know whether it’s going to be smooth enough to get a road bike over or actually if you can end up hiking your gravel bike over some rocky crags.

Now with the commute, you’ve got the ability to see other people’s collections of routes that they’ve planned as well so if you’re looking for a bit of inspiration about where to head next then take a little look around on the platform and you might just find your next adventure.


trainingpeaks app icon

Now next app on our list is Training Peaks, Training Peaks is the platform of choice for so many athletes and that is because it is most geared towards training. Now while some apps are really good at looking at your previous sessions Training Peaks, is great for planning out your future ones and working out exactly how hard you’re going to be able to work for future training sessions.

It’s going to allow you to make sure you’re doing enough to make sure you’re progressing, but not do so much that you then burn yourself out now training piece will also show you all your previous ride data and it really allows you to drill into your historical data.

So you can really see what you were doing and really go into some granular detail, although those training templates can be effective it’s by no means as effective as having a human tell you what to do and hold you accountable to them. So training peaks really are for those athletes who want to take their riding to the next level and use a coach.


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Next up we’ve got an app that saw a meteoric rise in (2020) for obvious reasons that app is Zwift and that’s because Zwift allows you to ride on virtual roads on an indoor trainer what zwift has created is a semi-open world with hundreds of kilometers to ride on. There’s also a fantastic community aspect to Zwift because when you head out onto those virtual roads you’ll be able to see riders around you who all represent real people training at home themselves.

You can also go on some group rides with your friends and also try your hand at some Zwift racing, now zwift also incorporates Zwift power, which allows you to really delve deep into the data numbers after you’ve finished a ride.

However, I would say if you’re in a Zwift race would rather not look at the Zwift numbers but recommend riding off instinct instead because it makes it hurt a little bit less. Zwift also incorporates training sessions and training plans so you can ensure that you keep progressing through those winter months.


TrainerRoad app icon

For our last indoor training platform, we’ve got Trainer Road now trainer road is something for those who just want to get on and execute their training sessions it’s very paired back and it’s a very simple tool but it is effective it is quite expensive so compared to the others it is fairly punchy in terms of price. However, it will let you see your fitness, your freshness, your fatigue, and your power, curve on some really nicely displayed graphics.

What’s particularly nice is the calendar there you can see the sessions that you have coming up and are all plain to see with the stats on the far side totaling the relevant metrics you want to be keeping track of. But in addition to that it pulls through your rise from Strava or Garmin Connect so the work you’re doing outdoors is fully taken into account for a full picture of your Fitness Progress.

Trainer Road is also particularly good for its curated range of training sessions made by professional coaches now these are there to help you achieve your goals no matter what your discipline be that off-road riding, triathlon road, racing, or time trialing, I think the training road is going to be for those who just want to get on and execute their training sessions without the sensory overload of a virtual training world.

Ending Note: So guys these are the 8 Best Free Cycling And Biking Apps For Android of 2024. You can download all of the apps from the Google Play Store. So if you want to become more fit then make sure to try these Cycling And Biking Apps to achieve your fitness goals. Hope you guys like my article it would be appreciated if you would share this article with your fellow Android users. And we will catch you in our next article till then. Bye!

Faq Section

Yes, all of these apps are available on the Google Play store and the link we put on the bottom is the official link of the Google Play store. You can easily download any app through the link. The Link redirects you to the Google Play store.
Yes, every app that we give you the review in our article is free. And also these apps have a premium version. If you want to unlock the premium features of this app. Then you buy the premium version you can buy it.
Yes, every app is updated by developers frequently with new features and updates.
Yes, every app is working on its latest version and their developers update them from time to time.
Yes, all the apps support every Android device. It doesn't matter whether you have a low-end to high-end device. All of these apps work on every device completely fine.
No, all of these apps have very little storage and RAM. You shouldn't worry if you have a low-end device every app works on your device completely fine and doesn't take too much storage and RAM.

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