Top 8 Best Calendar Apps 2024


Have you had a hard time finding the Best Calendar Apps for yourself? Then guess what we come up with this article about the Top 8 best calendar apps for 2024. Basically in this article, we are going to talk about some of the best calendar apps that are available across all platforms IOS and Android so that every user can easily download them.

And start organizing their life. So if you’re new over here Hey guys my name is Kibriya, I’m a writer and a blogger, and also I love to write blogs to share my information with the world. And I have been a blogger for sense 3 years.

Also, I’ve been an Android and Apple iOS user for the past 8 years. So I hope you guys are getting things done today. I’m here to talk about Top 8 Best Calendar Apps. So without wasting any more time let’s drive into it.

Top 8 Best Calendar Apps 2024 You Need To Download Now

Fantastical Calendar

Fantastical app

Now our first application on our list is Fantastical free and this is developed by a company called Flexibits. Well, this application is very attractive it’s very well built and available for iOS and the likes of Mac. However, it won’t be extendable to the likes of web or Android but it is a great application on Apple devices.

Now it does come with a really fairly premium pricing of $39.99 per year. However, inside that package you get some great upgrades to your calendar experience and I believe there is a free plan that you can enjoy.

But the calendar app itself has some great features like being able to see the weather, being able to connect your Todoist and manage your tasks alongside your calendar and also to be able to manage your Google Calendar and a wide variety of calendar applications in this one app.

Calendars 5 by Readdle

Calendars by Readdle app

Now second on our list is Calendar Five. Now this is developed by a company called Readdle which is really well known in the productivity space even for developing apps like Spark mail which is a super popular email app. But Calendars Five is a great iOS-only application that offers you a really simple calendar experience but it comes with some great views.

I actually previously used this before a couple of years ago we have a review on it and it has some great viewing options which means you can see your week ahead maybe even two weeks ahead in this optionality that you don’t get with some other calendar applications.

Google Calendar

Google Calendar app

Number three is Google Calendar. Now Google Calendar sometimes because it’s native much like Apple Calendar and Microsoft Outlook goes really unnoticed and I wanted to highlight it here. It has a great design both on mobile and on the web and it has some great plugins on the web which help you to take it further and be able to connect it with other such applications in the space in terms of your Google workspace.

Now with Google Calendar on mobile, there’s even a feature that helps you go a little bit further called Google Calendar Goals. So for example, let’s say you want to set maybe yoga three times a week. It’ll help you to plan that and start targeting your goal. It uses sort of what’s in your calendar to find slots that are best suited.

Timepage by Moleskine Studio

Timepage by Moleskine app

Now next up number four is the Moleskine time page. Now this is developed by the Moleskine studio which actually has a few other applications to do this application and a note-taker that they have in their lineup.

Moleskine time page is stunning it’s I would say it’s the most gorgeous of all of the calendar applications in space. It’s only limited to iOS but it does look stunning allowing you to change color palettes and even really go into the high level of detail on your customization.

It even if you answer location it even gives you prompts on when to leave for that time based on traffic and information like that and also when things like weather are going to be coming your way. And it has some beautiful interactions and animations throughout this application.

TimeTree – Shared Calendar

TimeTree app

Now next up is TimeTree. This is a bit of a strange one because it’s been growing in popularity for the sake that it is quite a social application. You can subscribe to other friends’ calendars it is widely available on Android and iOS as well.

And it’s actually been growing in the sort of social space as a sort of collaborative calendar for organizing and managing your day ahead. Now I have to include the link in the description so TimeTree is an interesting one, one to keep on your radar for sure.

Microsoft Outlook

Microsoft Outlook app

Number six is the Microsoft Outlook calendar now this comes with Outlook but it is a stunning experience. And that’s the main reason behind that is because Microsoft actually acquired a company called Sunrise a few years ago five or so years ago now.

But basically, they used a design that Sunrise had inside of this application and it works great it does have a great desktop version as well which a lot of people credit to be one of the better-designed applications out there.


Clockwise app

So next up number seven is an app called Clockwise. Now this isn’t actually a dedicated calendar application it is one that plugs into something like your Google calendar but essentially helps you to allocate busy and focused periods of time to work.

So if you have a pretty stacked calendar with loads of meetings it helps you to recorrect that calendar giving you more time to focus on the work at hand. This is growing and we’re set to do a revised review on it so do stay tuned to keep a productive channel if you want more insights on how Clockwise works.

Cozi Family Organizer

Cozi app

Now next up our final one is number eight and it’s called Cozy. Now this application is more of a family planner so if you wanted to be able to collectively have all of your family’s calendar events up especially if you’ve got a quite digital family and you and your family like to see stuff all in application in real time then this could be a good one for you.

It definitely is much more tailored for sort of small families that are looking to manage their busy schedules make sure they don’t collide with each other whether they’re planning and organizing on the go.

Ending Note: So guys these are the Top 8 Best Calendar Apps 2024. You can download all of the apps from the Google Play Store.  So this is all for today’s article. We hope you will like our article. If you like it leave a comment and don’t forget to share it with your friends. And we will see you in our next article. Bye

Faq Section

Yes, all of these apps are available on the Google Play store and the link we put on the bottom is the official link of the Google Play store. You can easily download any app through the link. The Link redirects you to the Google Play store.
Yes, every app that we give you the review in our article is free. And also these apps have a premium version. If you want to unlock the premium features of this app. Then you buy the premium version you can buy it.
Yes, every app is updated by developers frequently with new features and updates.
Yes, every app is working on its latest version and their developers update them from time to time.
Yes, all the apps support every Android device. It doesn't matter whether you have a low-end to high-end device. All of these apps work on every device completely fine.
No, all of these apps have very little storage and RAM. You shouldn't worry if you have a low-end device every app works on your device completely fine and doesn't take too much storage and RAM.

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