Chat GPT App Best Review | Chat GPT Secret Tips &Tricks You Probably Didn’t Know

In the past 1 year, you definitely heard about Chat GPT. And if you are also wondering what is a Chat GPT and how to use it more efficiently then this article is for you. because then in this article we are giving you a complete review of Chat GPT. And also we are going to reveal the secret tips and tricks of Chad GPT.

My name is Kibriya and I have been a blogger for the past 3 years I have been an Android user for the past 8 years. So without wasting any more time let’s start today’s article.

This Is The Article That Will Revolutionize The Way You Use Chat GPT


This is a feature that can help you improve your Communications by miles. It has helped me write emails but it has also helped me write WhatsApp messages really well. If you matched with the girl of your dreams on Tinder and you are looking for the perfect icebreaker then just ask away! Now she’s your girlfriend and you messed things up with her and you wanted to send her an apology text, just ask Chat GPT, ‘Help me write an apology text to my girlfriend in one sentence’ and you know the drill how it goes.

You might already know that it can help you draft emails quite nicely. But it can help you respond to certain emails that would help you get out of sticky situations. For example, if your boss sent you mail questioning your work ethic, then firstly I wanna say that you don’t worry King you are doing your best. Now how do you respond to such a mail? Just type in what happened and it will send you a draft email for that. It generated a human-like response quite nicely so make sure you take advantage of this feature.

Search Engine

The next hack is to use it as a Search Engine. I have literally started using it as my default search engine for every small and silly question I have. But the limitation I was facing in this was the fact that Chat GPT doesn’t have access to info beyond the year 2021. So for this case, I use Google Bard, its the AI Chatbot by Google.

Instead of searching my general queries on Google, I search it on Bard. For example, I recently purchased this Nikon Z30 and. I was wondering if I would be able to use it with this Camera so I just typed my question on Bard. It told me yes I could use my existing lens with the Nikon Z30 but I needed to buy an FTZ adapter for that.

I found this info really helpful and it helped me to come up with a purchase decision. Ever since that day, I have been using this as my default search engine on all my devices. You can just ask away your basic questions and it will give you the answer. It saved me a lot of time as if I had searched it on Google then I would have had to choose from 1000s of articles to come up with the correct answer.

But in case you want more info on that topic then you can always hit that Google It button and it will take you to the results. Since Bard has access to the Latest info you can also ask for Stock Prices and any current affairs questions if you had one.


TLDR It’s basically a lifesaver for me TLDR stands for Too Long Didn’t Read. Whenever I come across any long article, I just ask Chat GPT to summarise it for me. I love reading self-help books. But here’s a reality check about self-help books. 90% of the content in self-help books are just fillers, they generally just circle around one single topic over and over again.

If you’re into that kind of stuff then please go ahead and read it. But if you’re not really into reading then you can just ask Chat GPT to summarise a certain book for you and you can just read the book summary instead. Otherwise, you can just read the summary from Chat GPT if you just want to know the gist of the book. It can surely act as a major time saver for you.

You can even summarise any contracts or any terms and conditions agreement you need to go through. This thing has surely helped me in my research-related work where I have to go through several articles and note down points. You can really make the most out of this if you’re a student.


Speaking of being a student. You can really take this to your advantage. I really wished if there was something like this when I was a student myself. You can literally ask your math problems, algebra and calculus were never really my thing so yeah. It can really help you with your homework, you can just ask Chat GPT to explain to you the laws of thermodynamics and it will do it for you in a very simple way.

You can even ask Chat GPT to teach you how to play the guitar or the piano and it will guide you with steps. It can even teach you software like Photoshop or how to use a DSLR Camera for example. Another thing you can learn from Chat GPT is a different language.


This is the most helpful hack for me. I’m able to generate content ideas using Chat GPT. This is gonna be really helpful if you are a content creator. If you’re a YouTuber, it can help you brainstorm video ideas for example if you create video editing tutorials, you can simply search ‘Video editing tutorial ideas for YouTube’ and it will give you a list of ideas you can choose from.

If you write blogs then it can also help you in that, it will give you ideas, and on top of that it can even write that specific blog for you and you can make changes to that and upload it. Chat GPT can also help you get that perfect caption for your Instagram photos. The way I use it the most is for writing song lyrics.

I can simply explain the type of song and it will do the job for me. I can even ask it to write a song like a specific artist, ‘write me lyrics like Avicii with chords. It’s quite a helpful tool and it can help you get the inspiration you might need to get started.


Ending Note: So guys that is it for today’s Chat GPT review. We hope you love this article it would be appreciated if you would share this article with your fellow Android users. And we will catch you in our next article till then. Bye!

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Yes, all of these apps are available on the Google Play store and the link we put on the bottom is the official link of the Google Play store. You can easily download any app through the link. The Link redirects you to the Google Play store.
Yes, every app that we give you the review in our article is free. And also these apps have a premium version. If you want to unlock the premium features of this app. Then you buy the premium version you can buy it.
Yes, every app is updated by developers frequently with new features and updates.
Yes, every app is working on its latest version and their developers update them from time to time.
Yes, all the apps support every Android device. It doesn't matter whether you have a low-end to high-end device. All of these apps work on every device completely fine.
No, all of these apps have very little storage and RAM. You shouldn't worry if you have a low-end device every app works on your device completely fine and doesn't take too much storage and RAM.

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